Bike Pics January-February 2024

January and February were two more surprisingly great months for riding here in the Hub City. (Every photo was taken inside Loop 289.) As the weather gets better so does the riding and the bike-building daydreams. 1.9.24 (Vaquero Lake) 1.10.24 (Clapp Park) 1.13.24 (OGB at Mae) I am excited to ride in March (regardless of the wind). Just having the opportunity to be outside as nature comes alive fills me with anticipation. Getting to ride a bike through it makes it that much more exciting. 1.17.24 Worksman Klunker near the icy Mae Simmons dam. 1.18.24 I'm enjoying this bike a great deal! Click here to see video from this ride I have this crazy dream of hosting a little klunker ride/race/jamboree with all my friends who ride klunkers. (That really just means Spencer and I would get matching T-shirts and ride around doing coaster brake slides on dirt trails.) I thought it might be cool to build a few extra klunkers so we could invite other idiots to ride with us. I just need to get my...