Even More Mongoose Cargo Bike - the KevCentral Review + 10%0ff!

KevCentral - way to go!

Besides my obsession with cargo bikes, I'm also bit infatuated with the Huffy Cranbrook (a cheap, universal-palette bike for building all kinds of funky bikes.) Through that obsession, I ran across a KevCentral video where he went down to the local WallyWorld, bought a discounted Cranbrook, and did a very thorough review. Since then, I've seen Kev move up the ranks. Recently I was very excited to see him review a bike from Detroit Bikes. (I'm a big fan of those sleek, non-motored machines from the Motor City.)

So, today I was all kinds of excited to see that mangu Mongoose sent him an Envoy to review.

Kev, I have Envoy envy!

[ Blogger note: Seriously, I lie awake at night dreaming of the day that I can start a post (or video, vlog, insta-snap...) with the words, "[Insert anyone's name here] sent me a new [or old - I don't care] bike to review."

I'm not always a big fan of unboxing videos, but I found this one very informative (and even helpful) for people fortunate enough to unbox their own 'goose.

Ah, spring!

So, this is the first video review I've seen of the Envoy. You get the unboxing, a little bit of riding/testing, some critique, and most interestingly, Kev's first-timer observations on riding a longtail cargo bike. 

The bike may be longer than the video

Other than problems in the slalom, he said it was pleasantly like riding a...regular bicycle. Hmm.

His critiques listed a few components (like shifters) that could stand to be upgraded, a few aesthetics that could be upgraded, and a strong need for better assembly instructions. Altogether, a pretty decent review for the first mass-market longtailer we've seen.

Smooth ride through the rough part of Florence

I was watching closely to see if there was any mention of front-fork brake tab problems that were mentioned in a couple of Amazon reviews, but they were not mentioned in Kev's review.

Speaking of Amazon, about halfway through the video Kev mentions an Amazon 10% discount code his viewers can use through the end of the year. That means you could have an Envoy of your own sitting on the front porch for about $660. Not bad!

So, there you have it - the latest installment in the 2Wheels MAngu Mongoose Envoy saga.

I hope you find your own carbon-minimal machine and envoy enjoy the ride!

Be well, friends!

PS. Here are links to the other Envoy posts:


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