The Latest e-Bike Project - the Electron-Klunker

Yep, I'm a can't-leave-well-enough-alone kind of guy when it comes to bicycles. The body likes to ride and the brain likes to tinker with new ways of doing things. To keep it all balanced, I've been building a new-to-me e-bike to haul me to work, shopping, and coffee and to keep me from burning more gasoline. So, let's talk inspiration: Klunker A while back I wrote a series of articles on how to build a dependable and sturdy e-bike for $500 or less, and I wanted to take it from theory to reality. So, I'd been looking for the bike to build that would cover a lot of needs. I landed on electric cargo klunker! In case you're not nerd enough to know what a klunker (or clunker) is, it's the precursor to the mountain bike. The old cruisers that daring pioneers (otherwise known as crazy people) turned into off-roaders to help them fly down mountains. Klunkers appeal to me even though there are no mountains to fly down around here. (Want to learn mor...