September 2023 Bike Pics and Such

Cooler temps have opened up some more ride time! Thank you, Lord! It's good to be riding and wrenching again! Klunker Ride with Spencer (9-2) Spencer was having a great beard day! Coffee with Los Ciclos Psicos Viejos 9-6 Mae Simmons 9-8 And the rains came... Muddy Leaf Ride at Clapp 9-15 And the winds came... When the trees don't hug you back 9-15 Anybody wanting a great EV conversion candidate? I know a guy... 9-16 Cadillac Dancer 9-16 E-bike-to-work day 9-18 Working on a cheap pedal hack video 9-17 Loving the latest Parts-Bin Bike 9-21 Educated by the 'Shack! 9-20 Free Flashlight & Screwdriver Day at the Park 9-21 Never know what you'll see on 98th Street 9-22 4 New builders and an unpictured parts bike showed up (Thanks, Chad!) 9-22 (The red one is already spoken for) Loving Fall 9-23 It may be time for a diet... 9-23 A green car (but not a green car) 9-24 Old Yeller after church & Love Over Money, Star (9-24) The latest build comes to life (mostly) 350watt...