Danny Macaskill's Bike (Inspired Trials) for Sale in Lubbock?!!!

Yes, I know it's a lesson in futility, but every day I check Lubbock Craigslist to see what random bargains pop up. I always check bicycles first. Here and there I run across something cool, but today I was a little shocked to see one of those things that's not like the others. Yep, the street trials bike that Danny Mac rides was the very first ad. Wowser! It's rare to see one pop up anywhere, and this one has been gathering dust just a few miles from my house. Wowser! And it's very inexpensive for a quality trials bike! Check out that top-left corner!!!! There it is - right behind the Canada Dry and Gatorade! (What? No Red Bull?) So, am I going to run out and buy it? Absolutely not! $600 right before Christmas for a bike that I have no business riding - nope, just can't do it. But, man, that thing is cool! I gotta stay off the Craigslist! May your surprises be good ones! (And, if you go buy it, please send us a pic!) ...