Riding Street Trials Over the Hill

I've been piecing together a ratty little street trials bicycle lately. And, yes, I know it's a waste of time. Unlike the bikes I to ride to work, a street trials bike is not a hyper-efficient way to get where you're going. It's a way to stretch what you can accomplish. When I was a kid, the bicycle was everything. I raced BMX on the weekends and I rode to school most days. And I got to explore our dusty Texas town. It was freedom. My only mistake in biking back then was in wishing for a car. Fast-forward forty years. I still love riding. It's still freedom. (It's vastly better than driving a car.) But there's less exhilaration, fewer wheelies, fewer jumps. Enter youtube and a Scottish guy on a bike. In all the websearches about bicycles I ran across Danny Macaskill's Long Way Home . With Danny's astounding bike accomplishments and Dave Sowerby's video production skills, I found myself mesmerized. I still find myself mesmerized. And ...