Turn-Key Electric Klunker Bikes

It seems that the people who read this blog [I am very thankful for all four of you!] prefer posts that include cargo bikes, electric bikes, or klunkers. So, I thought to myself, Why not feature all the electric cargo klunkers I can find? And I started the search. The only one I had stored in my memory was available at Luna Cycle a few years ago... It was a beast, but I haven't seen it on their site for quite a while. You could buy it fully built or you could order a bare frame. For what it was, it was quite cheap and really wild.. As I kept searching, I decided it would just be smarter to seek out turn-key electric klunkers . And that didn't pan out too well either. So I searched for electric cruiser bikes and got a lot closer. Two of the first klunker-ish electric bikes were from the same company - Vintage Electric Bikes. I've been a fan of VEB since I saw this video back in 2014. They are beautiful and powerful bikes but I seldom write about ...