Bike and Dog Pics June 2024

June was a great month for riding and a decent month for working on bikes, as long as it started early. 1 June Paul, one bad mama jama on a MTB (even when he wears the yellow pants) 6 June Got the nerve back up to ride the skate park 7 June Mae Simmons (video here) The infamous plastic pasta spill dam loaded at the dam 8 June Buddy Holly (MH blog post here) 10 June 12 June Red Day at coffee 13 June Grizz goes gnome-punk Spencer on the Klunker 17 June Goodbye, Hero8 ,amigo viejo! ( It was never the same after this video. ) Over Several Days Be-spoked The Yard Art Western Flyer is almost ready to fly again! DEVO {lution} (We were through being cool a long time ago.) 19 June 6:45AM at Mae is a slice of Heaven (video here) The Inner & Outer East Loop doing their Florida impersonation Laundry days are tough on the Hooz 24-26 June Porch Tomato Traffic is chill on these hot days. Phoebe had a rough month, but she's doing much better. The porch tomato had a rough month too. ...