Old Meets New at Electric Avenue - Austin, TX

A while back (Has it really been 4 1/2 years?) Grizz and I were lucky enough to spend a little time at Electric Avenue Scooters down in Austin. It was a great visit, and I test rode a Vectrix VX-2 scooter. That visit has fueled a lot of Mesquite Hugger dreams and schemes. Since then, I have followed Electric Avenue at a distance - what a thing to make it more possible for people to pursue a petroleum free life! Recently on twitter (@EAScooters), they posted a bike that is the epitome of what I'd like to be building - a beautiful vintage cruiser with the modern e-bike convenience of a Copenhagen Wheel. Truly the best of both worlds! How cool is that? Here at 2Wheels, we drool over $3,000 e-bikes all the time, but very few of them appeal to me anywhere near as much this sweet machine! Along the same lines but even more attainable, they posted a similar bike just before the Roadmaster: This one features the Huffy Panama Jack (Yep, it's the same frame as...