Ashamed to be seen on an electric Bike? Check out these Stealthy e-Bikes!

So, let's say that you are e-bike curious, but you're struggling with the whole idea of being seen as an e-cyclist, or you just think e-bikes are hideous. (Some of them really are.) [Recycled from Mesquite Hugger] Maybe you've heard it said that e-bikes are a form of cheating, and you can maybe see the point. And, yes, if you are competing with people on non-e-bikes, you probably are cheating. Stop being a jerk. Just go find some e-bikers and compete with them. Problem solved. On the other hand, if you're riding an e-bike to (work, school, errands, hang out, etc.), you really are cheating. Here's a short list of the groups you are cheating: the petroleum industry the automobile industry cardiologists endocrinologists the DMV that voice in the back of your head that says you'll never go anywhere I don't know about you, but I think I can justify that kind of cheating and sleep well (maybe even better) at night. Or maybe you just love the simple aesthetic of a...