Good to be home - and pedaling! (May is Bike Month)

Lots of good stuff, indeed! I spent a week in the Metroplex where it was green and luscious and rainy, and there was lots of good stuff, but it is good to be home with the people I love and the dogs (and on a lesser scale) it's good to be back on a bike. It's funny - there's a buildup I feel when I don't ride, when I don't write, when I don't spend some time outside. And this week it was worse. The first four days of this year's National Bike Challenge I spent in a motel with no bike. More Bike Goodness from the League But this morning, I hopped on the old black bike and pedaled away, and things felt right. And I saw squirrels, sparrows, dove, starlings, grackles, robins, and even a pair of house finches. And there was no rush of traffic. And I pulled up to a big, empty bike rack. And it's good to be home. Don't forget the challenge Man, it's good to be home! May you know the feeling and may May be good to you!