Bring on the Electric Mopeds!

[First, the mini-rant - every bike with a motor and pedals is a moped. Whew, I got that out of my system.] This post is about electric bikes that closely resemble those gas-powered mopeds of the early '70s. I both love those bikes (they have wheels!) and I hate them (all those nasty two-stroke gas/oil emissions). I have fantasized for years about converting one to electric, but now I don't have to. Woohoo! The Five Four Big Contenders (No more CTY) Okay, I admit it - I have a positive bias for each of these machines even though I've never seen any of them in person. I've been watching and admiring the Monday for several years now and I find the dual voltage setup very interesting. I ride and enjoy a Juiced bike several times per week and I'm amazed at the Scorpion's introductory price. Rad makes the Radwagon - 'nuff said! And Onyx is the little-known underdog that's making it happen with two one sweet 'ped. One of our earliest ...