Old Hondas Resurrected: the E-Cub and the EBS Project

Upcycling, we love upcycling around here, especially when you take something old, unloved, and (possibly) polluting and turn it into something useful, appreciated, and green. With that in mind, today's post features two very tasty Honda cycles being reborn as modern electrics. The first is new to these pages, but the guy doing the conversion is not new around here. Micah Toll is the driving force behind EbikeSchool , a writer for Electrek.co, and part of the team responsible for the Vruzend (battery building) Kit - the kit I used to build the battery for the e-Klunker. Yep, Micah shows up a lot around here. He recently posted a video about a new project he's undertaking - a vintage Honda conversion. The 1st installment This is a video to get your juices flowing. Okay, to be clear, this is one of those videos that has me Jonesing to get back to work on one of my old projects. He has other videos about commuting on a GenZe scooter and about acquiring a CSC City Slic...