Two Lubbock Klunkers in One Day - Woohoo!!!

Klunker #1 Look, Ma - no cables! Two Days ago saw the maiden voyage for another Mesquite Hugger klunker. I'm stoked - this one is fairly legit by OG klunker standards: well-used frame, single-speed, coaster brake, and most parts sourced from other junky old bikes. Yes, I feel hip or hep or something like that! The frame is cool for a couple of reasons - it's a Worksman INB - one of those oh-so-rare made in America (New York!) industrial bikes. This particular bike was (very well) used to get around a warehouse. It still has all the scars, stickers and tags from that former life. Production! Love the tag! The other thing that makes it cool is that it feels big when you ride it, and comfortable. It feels like the bikes I rode as a kid. It makes me want to learn to wheelie again! I've been wanting a 26" BMX bike, but now there's no need. And, honestly, it's ugly enough that I can't imagine anyone wanting to steal it. Win, win, and win! Klunker #2 A nice surpri...