Having your Cargo Bike Cake (and eating it too!)

A few months ago I was faced with a tough ebike decision - should I choose a conventional bike or a longtail cargo bike for my daily commuter. After literally years of desperately wanting a Radwagon , I came to the conclusion that I really need a cargo bike for about 5% of my bike rides. I knew that percentage would go up if I had a cargo bike, but I was not sure how much. I opted for a Juiced OceanCurrent, and I'm very (VERY!) happy with it 95% of the time. But that other 5%... Enter a new German Kickstarter campaign for an electric convertible cargo bike - the ConverCycle! The ConverCycle Kickstarter Longbike Just a quick flip Conventional bike I won't tie up your bandwidth by reposting the videos, but it's pretty mesmerizing. No tools, no mess. Just flop the rearend over and ride away. Man that thing is cool! If you're a super-early bird, you can order yours for $1074! Not bad at all for an electric longtail cargo bike. (N...