Giving Tuesday (with Wheels!) 2018

Giving Tuesday caught me off-guard this year. I apologize for the brevity, but here are some organizations to consider for those of you who believe in bicycles as a force for good!


If you're familiar with what used to be the One-9 Skate Park (One of the cooler things ever to happen in Lubbock!), the Carmel Tones appear to be the modern incarnation of that group.

I attended their Sk8 and BMX Contest event recently and was very impressed with what they had to offer in healthy ways to keep Lubbock kids off the street and focused in positive pursuits.

Somewhat Local

My win-the-lottery dream is to start something like Spokes for Folks here in Lubbock. Check it out!

I especially like BikeTexas' SafeCycling Education and Be Safe Be Bright programs


If you're like me and believe that a bicycle can be a powerful tool for change, then check WBR out. The difference they are able to make with something so simple is astounding.

May you support those who support others!


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