No - not an ad for the Swytch or the Tote'm Electric Bikes

But I will start by telling you a little about the Swytch. Are you familiar with the Geoorbital Wheel and the Copenhagen Wheel? Are you familiar with the old-school e-bike kits with a hub motor? Well, the Swytch is a nifty halfway point between those two things. You just swap out your front wheel, add a few wires, and put a bracket on your handlebar. Voila! You have an e-bike. (And it's pretty inexpensive.) But this is not an ad for them - it's an encouragement for the e-bike curious. Honestly, I don't know if the Swytch people got the conversion kit right, but they did get the video right - it explains the whole rhyme and reason to e-biking. So here it is - Oliver will tell you more: Swytch Crowdfunding Video (and the crowdfunding page) Yep, an e-bike is a great way to live lighter without being a full fledged athlete in spandex shorts. And it requires no gasoline, tar sands, oil spills, and lots of other nasty stuff that does not seem to make the world a be...