Special Alert: Mongoose Cargo Bike Closeout!

 If any of you have been hanging out hoping I'd write about longtail cargo bikes again, well, that is really sad. However, here it is!

I received an email from Mongoose a few days ago taunting me with the promise of cheap closeout mountain bikes. And, I've been jonesing for a mountain bike with which I might have a slightly better chance of keeping up with my coffee/riding buddies (something built in this century). So I clicked on the email.

When I reached the sale page, I spotted two hardtails that were a bit tempting, but then...

I saw what was hiding in the bottom right corner!

    A few years ago I drooled over the long 'goose and waited for it to become available in the US - it started out in Canada. And I watched the price go up. I saw the KevCentral Review and it contained a discount!

And I continued to drool. And time kept passing, and the Envoy became less and less visible on the Mongoose website. Finally, I could not find it anymore, and it just faded out of sight.

But today, there it was. There it is. And it's cheaper than I've ever seen it. And, as usual, I don't have that kind of money lying around for a new bicycle...

...but I'm having a bike garage sale this weekend, and maybe, just maybe...

It's always fun to dream!

May you be well and joyful, and may a blast from the fairly recent past make you smile too!

Thanks for reading along!


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