Bike, Dog, and Other Pics, July 2024

3 July 2024
Alley stepping

4 July 2024
a newly-laced coaster brake

Better than fireworks

5 July 2024
e-bike at the Depot

The Western Flyer rides again!

Things got wild in the 'hood on the 4th!

6 July 2024

Picked a very bad line with Mark - sticky mud

Loving all the red-winged blackbirds in town

8 July 2024
Some people rise above the need for a cargo bike

10 July 2024

That first ride on a bike-back-from-the-dead is a pleasure, and this old Western Flyer was even more so. The bike is three years older than I am and its joints creak like mine do, but that all disappears once you get to rolling.

Click the pic above for a VERY short video of the first-day ride.

Lit and locked

The end of a good day!

12 July 2024 (Dallas)
Entirely too early for pics 

Not a big fan of travel
17 July 2024
(Edward) Hopper on glass

Same shoes, different day

19 July 2024
I still remember how to change a spark plug. Woo.

(Mesquite Hugger Confessional 1: This one feels like a fail - I had hoped to kick the whole internal combustion thing years ago, but here I am changing spark plugs on my daily driver 2004 Ford. While I try to ride a bike every day, there's always something - too big, too far, too hot, or too rainy, but I'll keep trying to do better.)

20 July 2024
Nothing backwards here

Re-cycle Cycle

23 July 2023
Avenue L Skate Park

I love the spirited swapping of skater philosophy!

Let's hope not.

24 July

A successful 3-mile (round trip) commute on the fixie - woohoo!
(By the third mile, I could start to see it as a viable ride. Hmmmmm. If you've never ridden a fixed-gear bicycle, it can be a great but humbling experience.)

24 July 24

(Mesquite Hugger Confessional 2: Yes, I also stay mindful of how many miles the bikes travel on the back-of-the-car bike rack.)

McAlister Skate Park (off of Frankford Avenue - 57th and Genoa)

Risk indeed

New shoes, old legs

28 July 2024

Why, thanks!

31 July 2023

BMX sometimes hurts!

May you be well and joyful, and may you leave the place better than you found it. Thanks for stopping by!


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