The National Solar Tour Begins Today! (9-28-2020)

Woohoo! It's here!

Recently the coordinator for the local solar tour invited me to be a part be a part of this year's tour. YES! I am thrilled to be a part of it and wanted to share the work of a bunch of talented and knowledgeable people who are involved in sharing sustainability practices here in the Lubbock area.

So, please click the link above to see the local tour. (If you're looking for me, I'll be the dork with a bike.)

If you want to see what's going on all across the country, just go to NationalSolarTour.Org.

For those of you who are curious about ebikes, I'll be posting a followup to the video on both blogs ASAP.

Thanks for checking the tour out. May your day be wonderful and lead to a better future!


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