Suburban Nature Break on a Bike
A downside of working from home (please don't throw things at the screen) is that I miss my work commute. Yes, I know it sounds a bit loony, but I actually enjoy my commute to work on the electric (and sometimes non-electric) bike. I don't miss the driving days, but those 3-4 days per week endcapped by five miles of riding, mmm, good stuff! Life is better on a bike!
Intimidation - this little broken bridge - my nemesis!
A handful of blocks away from home is a park with a natural wildlife habitat, so I've been taking quick nature breaks. In under ten minutes I can be sitting in a quiet place with no walls or windows and the most obnoxious neighbors are the red-winged blackbirds.
After more than three decades here, there are days I get tired of Lubbock, but little breaks like this, bike rides and bird watching and all the little details - I come to realize that it's not the place so much as the approach to the place.
A little bigger than a mesquite - still huggable
same tree
Almost sunny
I know - it doesn't look like Lubbock at all.
The Specialized has a few new spring upgrades - a working front shifter and a new bottom bracket. I replaced a few cables and rebuilt the rear hub It's a great bike to ride! Mountain bikes make great suburban commuters.
The local bike trails are a bit full these days, but the alleys...
Be watching (patiently) for a YouTube channel
May you be well and pedaling, friends!
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