Possum Kingdom Bike Trail on a Huffy Hardtail

This past weekend we were fortunate enough to stay at a friend's lake house on Possum Kingdom Lake. And, of course, we took a few bikes. We took off from the PK Trailhead and rode parts of the Redbird Loop.

The HuffKlunk at Possum Kingdom

For those of you worrying that I'd join the fully-suspended dark side, you can rest easy. (However, budget was a bigger factor than fortitude or grit.) But the old Huffy held up well. Anything we weren't able to ride over can be blamed on donuts rather than bike parts. No bicycles were harmed and very little blood was spilled. In truth, it's a better diet I need - not a fancier bike.

I've had the PK trail map on the wall in my office for a few months - my Walter Mitty wallpaper. D and I rode the section circled in red. It may not look like a lot, but this was a sidebar on a family getaway, and a very good one!

Spider moon at the trailhead gate

Besides the spider, we saw several species of small birds, a pair of ravens, some tiny ground squirrels, some mule deer, a few buzzards, and a big guy walking a very happy corgi.

Lots of uphill and lots of rocks

If you're familiar with our usual haunts, you'll know that hills aren't the norm for our outings, so hills were a fun challenge. After watching the HuntStyle PK Video, I was looking forward to the downhill flowy stuff, but I found hitting the uphills hard and picking a good line to be more rewarding.

D, on the other hand, he was all about the downhills (and the water breaks)!

Can you say you've ridden to Buzzards Roost Lookout?

Next time, I hope to make it to Horned Frog Lookout, and then Bug Beach, and then Bobcat Lookout, and then the Brazos Lookout... Most of all, though, I just look forward to next time.

The moral of this story, in case you are seeking one, is don't worry what you ride, just make sure that you do ride (or hike or whatever makes you happier and healthier). May you find yourself in a beautiful place, grinning, and enjoying life!

PS. I was able to walk upright the next day, too!


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