A Double Huffy Update and a really sad personal ambition!

The DIY-Huffy-cruiser-resurrection obsessions (Hufferklunk and KargoHuff) continue to rage in my head and amble in the garage, but there has been progress on both.

With apologies to Robert M. Pirsig

You know that old question What would you do if money and time were no issue?; would it be awful to answer that I'd build mediocre bicycles out of crappy bicycles?

The big progress has been on the klunker. Its first draft is complete! I had a few hours on Sunday and was able to finish running the cables, dialing in and adjusting the derailleur (a first for me), changing the chainring, changing the chainring back, adding pedals, and taking lots of short test rides. 


The ride is pretty sweet and the gearing is low enough that I may actually make it up a few hills without getting/falling off and pushing. All that's left is adding sealant to the tires and taking it out to the trails for a real test ride. Woohoo! I love it when a plan comes together!

And work began on the cargo bike.

I pulled a lovely full-suspension Ozone mountain bike out of the junky bike pile and started stripping it down.

ridden little + left outside for years = good donor bike

The main component needed for the DIY No-Weld Cargo Bike

I stripped the donor bike down in about 30 minutes and ran out of garage time, but work has now begun on the cargo bike. It's a good feeling!

Man, it was good to get grease under my nails! Man, it was good to ride the HufferKlunk!

May you get to spend some time enjoying what you're doing and looking forward to a better, healthier future. Be well, friends!

Ps. I rode the electric bike to work today - such a better feeling than sitting in a car.


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