LBK on a Bike: Braver than I am + Lime to the Rescue?

I see her about once a week, always near this intersection, and I don't know how she feels on the inside, but she's fearless on the outside. She pedals down Slide Road a little before 8am - peak morning traffic. Cars behind her quickly change lanes in a rush not to get stuck behind her. Occasionally there's honking and a finger or two being waved.

Is what she's doing legal in Texas? Absolutely. In cycling circles, it's known as "taking the lane". When is it legal to take a lane?

Learn more at

Early mornings on the weekend, it's not rare to see recreational road bikers take a lane on normally busy Lubbock streets, but seeing a lone bicycle commuter in peak traffic - that's rare. Lots of bikes pass through this intersection every day, but they do so on the makeshift pedestrian walkway. Even then, it's a sketchy place to cross. Lubbock is not a great town to bike. But it is trying to get better. And, surprisingly, we apparently have electric scooters to thank.

Yep, more people on two wheels, even if those wheels are tiny, means more need for safe biking infrastructure here in the LBK. To be fair, this cycle infrastructure plan was coming together before the Birds roosted and the Limes landed, but the rental scooters have shined a light on the need for safer places to commute on smaller and healthier means of transport. (Yes, I'm excited to see these changes.)

For those of you who've read this far, the wrap-up is brave woman on a bike, scooters to the rescue, and the Lubbock Plan. Hopefully, it all leads to safer roads for Lubbockites to ride and drive. Heaven knows we could use a change!

May you be safe, healthy, and joyful in getting around our dusty town.


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